Historical background of Burundi

Wedged between Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Rwanda in east-central Africa, Burundi occupies a high plateau divided by several deep valleys. It is equal in size to Maryland. The total area of Burundi is 10,745 sq mi, its population is 10,395,931 people, Burundi is divided into provinces;

Eastern  Burundi: Cankuzo,Gitega,Rutana and Ruyigi province

Northern  Burundi:Karuzi,kayanza,kirundo,muyinga and Ngozi  Province

Southern  Burundi: Buriri,Makamba and Rumonge province

Western Burundi: Bujumbura, Bujumbura rural,Cibitoke,Muramvya and Mwaro province

Burundi is one of countries in great lakes region,which history is sequence of conflicts between tribes and a coup for getting the right of ruling the country, this country recognized critical period of cival war  1993, where more than 300,000 persons were killed, after that cival war ,the all presidents who occupied the Leadership  were facing  many problems due that war and  end even hatred which still being in mindset of  Burundians, without forgetting critical period of killing between tribes in May,2016, its consequences still  undermine that country, where women,youth , orphans and vulnerable people increased due to that conflicts foresaid.

This is the main reason of planting our program in Burundi,especially in two provinces for work hard of purpose of emproving the lives of the society of there

Our program do not cover all the provinces, rather, it will concern two provinces amongo the eighteen  line up above, these provinces are:  Muramvya and Rumonge provinces

Muramvya: Muramvya is one of eighteen provinces which is located in western Burundi, and its capital is Muramvya, the total area is  69552 km2(26854 sq mi) and with 292589 population

Rumonge: This province is located in southern Burundi, and its capital is  Rumonge, it was created in march,2015 by combining communes Burambi,bunyegero and Rumonge. Its area is  1,079072km(41688 sq mi) and with 352026 population. Besides the choice for these two provinces , do not mean it’s only those provinces who have a great number of people in need but it’s due to our income or fund which can’t cover all people in need but a certain group of people in those two chosen provinces..