Historical background of Eastern of Congo:

The Democratic Republic of Congo is among largest countries situated in the central Africa which covers a total area of 905,568 square miles and the estimated population of about 77,433,744 as shown in the 2001 statistics.

Our program will mainly be focused in two provinces of East of DRC; there are North and south kivu provinces of DRC. The choice of the following Provinces among 26 provinces of DRC, is based on the repercussion of several ethnical conflicts in both two provinces whenever the troubles started over there via multiple rebellions groups.

Here below are the provinces and their respective cities or territory that we’ve chosen to walk in.

Regarding North Kivu province:The north province of DRC is located in East of congo, its capital is Goma city, this city is a touristic city because of volcanoes which are surrounded this city, the total area of this province Is 59,483 Km2 and turnout of population of 6,655.000 Hab(2015)

As it’s really known, until now a thousand of people are passing through hard period due to the problem of insecurity and rebellions groups which permanently disturb the people in this province.

We find out that the great number of people in the problems like for example Orphans, Women, youth, rape and killed people due to war, the typical case is massacre of Beni’s people. Hence we organize and implement in that province this project for seeing how to sustain these people in need!

In this province, our project won’t cover the entire province but it’ll concern the following territories and cities.

Masisi Territory:Currently the estimated number population of Masisi territory is unknown due to emigration and immigration movements but its surface area is estimated to be around 4734 km square miles

  1. Goma City: this is the capital of North kivu, it Covers the total area of 75,72km square with an estimated population of 1, 100,000 peoples.

Regarding the South kivuprovince;this province it’s located in East of Congo and its capital city is Bukavu and it has around  65070 km2 of area and its population is around 5,772 millions (2015)

As the north province, the south province is the area of troubles which leaded to death of many thousands of people, mainly in Sange, Vallery of Ruzizi, where the troupes of rebellions attack the people night in their houses or in their journey from Bukavu to Uvira road. Hence we think to implement our program in this province. The beneficiary in this area will be children and women.

This program will concern these territories and cities:

  1. Uvira Territory: covers the total area of 3,148 km square with estimated population of 396,585 people.
  2. Fizi Territory: Covers the total area of 15,788 km square with an estimated population of 487935people.

Problem identification for the eastern Congo

In order to show a better, clear and comprehensive image of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and most especially the eastern Congo it is very important to reflect on the history of the country itself

The history of this country will also occupy the whole range of the explanatory concept of the problem in question.

Since the independence, the DRCongo began to be classified into some of the world’s unstable countries because of the political power imbalance between the Tribal leaders and the central government, in 1965 the government of Zaire was   establish by President Mobutu by a coup.

Who at the beginning was intended to Africanize the country by changing the name of the country to be Zaire.

However this government had never been able to restore order and tranquility in the country whereas the entire country of Zaire were highly dominated by Violence, Corruption, Government funds embezzlement, poverty and nepotism etc…

While the government leaders were becoming increasingly more prosperous the local citizens were miserably suffering from hunger and Poverty.


In 1997 the Government was overthrown by the Congolese rebel groups that was led by the late president Laurent desire Kabila his government also failed to restore order and peace in the country people began to lose interest and trust from him which led to the president’s assassination in 2001 afterwards he was replaced by his son Joseph Kabila and after him Felix Tshisekedi who is the president today.

From all these narratives of secessions of the governments brought many problems to the country like Tribal conflicts and simultaneous civil wars which highly affected the lives of the Congolese community that is also in fact witnessed by a large number of children who are homeless orphans and numerous poor deceptive women and girls. 

long ago and even in previous civil war up to this day women in Congo are still suffering from sex violence that is done by many different armed groups that are operating in different parts of Congo but most especially in the eastern Congo.

The above mentioned negative effects that the Congolese community has experienced are merely found in the eastern part of the Congo most especially in the Northern and Southern kivu where there are a lot of armed groups which are so often attacking civilian population


Allow me to emphasize again that civil wars, tribal conflicts and severe attacks on the civilian population by those so called armed groups affect none other than Children and women in the community that is seemingly increasingly ruined.

Nutshell ,once again let say that also on the case of Congo the problem for which we are seeking funds is to help the civilian population of the concerned areas as stated on the above passages  to bring about improvement on their everyday lives, to help  women on capacity building that they may be able to confidently play their active role in bringing solutions to the problems of their community with a focus of joining  others in the battle of eradicating poverty in the community this will be done via providing trainings and financial support to help these women on how to create their glass root projects .

On the case children who are orphans we are expecting for them to be provided with an orphanage center which we think will be a lasting solution to their problems.