Historical background of Rwanda:

Rwanda is a small hilly mountainous country which is located in Eastern central Africa, it covers total area of 26,338 square miles and has an estimated population of 11,370 and it’s made of four provinces which are Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western province

Rwanda has got the independence July 1st, 1962, after the independence Rwanda has passed into difficult ethnical and tribes problem which leaded to Genocide which has perpetrated in Rwanda in 1994.

This Genocide has been the outcome of many problems which were too difficult early after 1994, but due to an extremely effort made by Government of Rwanda, we know see a tangible changes in different sectors. This Genocide has leaded to Lost of lives of at least one million of people, Infrastructures have been destroyed, Many orphans and widowers, many genocide survivors ….etc

Our organization has started after the genocide in 1996, so we firstly started rebuild the hope by preaching   God’s   words via Evangelism in neighborhoods, streets, churches and open air crusade. This program that we’ve set up, we’ll carry on sustaining this hope in hearts of untold thousands of Rwandans and with emphasis on supporting vulnerable Children which come from poor families and youth by seeking how to gather the youth and try to create for them Jobs.

This above program will be implemented in two provinces which are south and Western province.

In south province, our project will work in two districts;

  1. Kamonyi District: This district is located in South province within 15km from Kigali and it occupies the total area of 253 square miles   and has a number of populations estimated to be 340,501 people. Within this district, we will establish a project for vulnerable children
  2. Nyamagabe District: This district is located in South province ,within 145 km from Kigali, it Covers a total surface area of 420 square

Miles with a population of 341,491 people. In this district we shall plant the project for women

In western province, our project will work in two districts also

  1. Ngororero District: This district is located in western province, within 79km from Kigali, it covers Covers a total area of 23 square miles                  

                    And has a number of population of 34,559 people, in this District we shall establish a project for women                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

 2. Nyabihu District: This district is located in western province, within 137 km from Kigali;it occupies the total surface area of 205 Miles and has an stimated population of 294,740. In this district we shall implement the project of vulnerable children.